Johnny Gargano on NXT being compared to RAW and SmackDown:
I think for a long time people said NXT was the future of wrestling but I think it’s right now. I think it’s the hottest thing going in wrestling today. We have some of the best talent in the world, I’ll put our locker room against anyone’s locker room. It’s a viable third brand and I’m excited to see where things head. Because, in my mind, my goal is to take NXT higher and higher and I think we can go even further. Sunday is going to be proof of that. Sunday is the beginning of when the rest of the world takes notice that NXT is the now of professional wrestling.
I’m extremely proud of NXT. I did an interview today where I said NXT is my life, and it is. Just because I’m so proud of what I’ve done here, winning the North American Championship being a former tag team champion, having matches of the year, being a part of the most Takeovers. That is my legacy. I’m extremely happy and I don’t look at it as a road I’m on. I look at it as this is my main roster. NXT in my head is something I’m trying to help build, get it to its peak. I will do whatever I have to, I will strap NXT to my back and carry it up a cliff if I have to. I love its fanbase and everything about it. For me, if it means I stay in NXT I’m always fine with that.
Johnny Gargano on Halftime Heat:
I’m extremely honored, number one, because I’m a huge wrestling fan. I remember Halftime Heat 20 years ago, Rock vs Mankind in the empty arena match. I was super excited to watch it! I can’t believe it’s been 20 years, I was 11-years-old at the time. To be able to perform at Halftime Heat, it’s such a cool concept and I’m so excited not just because I’m in it but because NXT is in it. The world gets to see what NXT is all about. That’s the coolest thing about all of this.
No, it will not be empty. [Laughs] As fun as that may be, I joke all the time how awesome it would be that have an empty arena match at the Performance Center with so many different rings and things you can do. But, no, it will not be empty.
Johnny Gargano on his North American Championship run:
It’s an honor, man, to have a title in NXT with the amount of talent we have in that locker room. To be considered the best is an extreme honor. That title still has so much room to grow. Just look at the last two champions, Adam Cole and Ricochet. Those two are at the top of their class, they’re amazing. To be considered among them as peers at the top of NXT is amazing to me.
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NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
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Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
WWE Money In The Bank 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone
NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018
Photo Credit: WrestleZone