Ultimate Bar Brawl was indeed just that as last night’s show sure delivered as “Filthy” Tom Lawlor took on a returning Ken Shamrock in the night’s main event. Shamrock shamed his former MMA colleague in an all-out battle after stuffing the MLW’s stalwart’s skull into the toilet and then defeated him via ankle lock submission. You can see the clip below as well as a clip of Joey Janela helping Penelope Ford defeat ODB on top of the bar. The full results of the show are also below (Credit to Fightful for the results and quick match summaries):
Ultimate Bar Brawl Results (1/31/19) From Atlanta
– Effy def. Matt Cross, Ethan Page and Casanova Valentine. Effy won with the Mandible Condom on Valentine.
– Penelope Ford def. ODB. Joey Janela interfered by spitting liquor in the face of ODB. Ford tapped out ODB.
– Priscilla Kelly & Darby Allin def. Eli Everfly & Delilah Doom. Kelly threw up on Eli Everfly, leading to the victory.
– Ken Shamrock def. Tom Lawlor. Shamrock won with the Ankle Lock. They brawled in the bathroom during the match.