Cody Rhodes recently conducted an interview with The Mirror on multiple topics. You can see the highlights of the interview below:
On the condition of his knee:
It’s okay. I got the MRI and there was good news in that I don’t have to get reconstructive surgery because all my ligaments are intact, but that meniscus had a second tear. I’ve got a brace for it, like one of those big Steve Austin braces, I don’t know if I’m going to be comfortable in it or not, but I’m trying to kind of wear it around the house and get used to it. It’s coming along, I’m trying to be very careful with it. When I told the boys I hurt my knee, they all kind of looked at me and I’m thinking ‘don’t look at me like that, I’ve never been hurt in the entire time I’ve been doing this’.
On independent wrestlers working harder in order to get noticed:
What I actually think it is, is the fact that we’re wrestling different guys, more regularly wrestling someone different, versus when I was in WWE, you were wrestling pretty much the same guy, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the same live event opponent, then TV you might do something different. But with the independents, especially when I first started wrestling on the independents, it was somebody different every night in a different part of the country and it takes a while to get a rhythm with somebody or to have instant chemistry with somebody.
On NXT UK signing talents and invoking more restrictions:
Well, I think it just means more opportunity. There is obviously a deep roster of talent and maybe some talent we’re not seeing because we’re seeing so many NXT UK guys, that we all know are wonderful. There is such a tendency to jump on WWE and talk bad about them in terms of these contracts and what they are doing. But with the people they have in place, Johnny Saint, William Regal and Triple H, and how he is, there is no secret plan to destroy the indy scene in the UK. They just see a wonderful product and they want to protect their guys.
On watching his wife Brandi compete:
She asked for advice and whatnot from me but she does all her training at this place here by our house in Atlanta with QT Marshall. We were sitting backstage on this recent tour in Australia, it was me and Marty Scurll and Joey Ryan, and it was really great to see them bantering, they didn’t know I was right with them, to see them kind of banter about how much she has improved and how every match… she has hit her stride. I couldn’t be more proud watching her. I had tears in my eyes in Australia just because she already has a connection with the fans, the fans like her, and that’s a gift.
You can read the entire interview HERE.