WZ Daily 12.4.18: Alexa Bliss Is Cleared To Compete & Your Questions

WZ Daily streams LIVE on WrestleZone’s Facebook Monday through Thursday at 5 pm CST.

Today’s episode was an earlier one, recorded at 2 pm CST/3pm EST brings breaking news concerning Alexa Bliss 101WKQX’s Kevin Kellam and WrestleZone’s Robert DeFelice also dig into the news of rumors of the impending returns of Kurt Angle and Bray Wyatt. WrestleZone also dives into viewer questions about Roman Reigns, WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships, and much more! It’s all sourced together for you in one big fan-friendly package in the WrestleZone Daily! A live podcast made by wrestling fans for wrestling fans and always reminding you that the most important thing is that you enjoy wrestling!

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Watch and engage the show live Monday through Thursday right around 5 pm CST on the WrestleZone Facebook.
