It’s Figure Friday and this week we’re taking a look at the Exclusive WWE Elite “Shield” Kurt Angle figure! This relives his fun TLC match when he teamed up with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.
The Packaging
Kurt’s packaging is pretty cool. Mattel designed it to mimic his Shield vest with zippers and even a fabric patch WWE Elite Collection style logo, which was a really neat touch you may not have even noticed. The all black packaging is pretty nice, especially since it represents The Shield, but also because it’s different than most of the Elite packaging as of late. On the back it talks about when he teamed up with Rollins and Ambrose for one night. The only odd thing is that they left off the typical Ringside Collectibles Exclusive sticker, not sure why that is.
The Head Scan
Kurt has a smiling head scan on this figure, which looks very similar to his recent Basic GM figure. Personally I’d have liked a serious scan like his Elite 59 figure, but the smile goes with the fact he’s enjoying being teamed with The Shield for one night at TLC.
The Attire
The attire is pretty simple. He has a rubber vest and black pants as well as some hand/wrist tape. One thing I didn’t notice until recently is that Kurt actually wore gloves, not hand/wrist tape, so I’m not sure if the figure was based off a promotional image rather than the match itself or what. The detail on the hand/wrist tape is pretty nice though as it’s a dark gray and black. You could always do a hand/arm swap if desired.
The Accessories
Kurt also comes with a breakaway audience barrier that actually came with the first Roman Reigns Elite figure. Here you can break the middle piece down, mimicking Roman’s spear through the barricade. This is great for anyone whom doesn’t have any of the audience barriers, but it’s also a bit short. If you want nice audience barriers be sure to pick up the Ringside Exclusive ones instead.
Overall, his figure fits in well with the other Shield figures as it’s literally the same body with more muscular arms as well as a newer vest. You can still pose him really well in the rubber vest as it doesn’t restrict any movement. If the hands bother you you can always swap them or swap the arms as mentioned. I swapped the arms in the image above to recreate the moment more authentically. Many were surprised this even became a figure, especially an exclusive, but honestly it’s a unique Kurt Angle figure than any we have ever had.
Should you decide you want to add him to your collection be sure to pick him up on as soon as you can as once it’s gone it’s gone! You can SAVE 10% with discount code MBG on there as well! Look for an all-NEW episode of Figure 2 Photo showing the making of the ankle lock image above very soon, too!
For more wrestling figure news and coverage be sure to follow my popular Wrestling Figure News Twitter! Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you next week!
Figure Friday RSC Exclusive WWE Elite Kurt Angle