Christopher Ripley, the President & CEO of Sinclair Broadcast Group, sat down with stakeholders today to hold a quarterly conference call. Ring of Honor was brought into the discussion and the President had the following to say about the company and its future:
Transcription credit to PWInsider
So, look I think saying that we’ve invested a lot of money is maybe a slight mis-characterization. Beyond Tennis, we really haven’t spent significant dollars on content and Ring of Honor, I think, we bought for a couple hundred thousand dollars. And it’s, we think that’s an unpolished gem that ultimately should be something in the same light as WWE. We actually sold out Madison Square Gardens for an event next year in 11 minutes. So, we know that that that brand has potential. It just – it hasn’t, we haven’t quite found the right dials to turn yet, but we keep increasing the grass roots support on it and it has just a very, very loyal and avid fan base which is what you really need to explode a brand.
And on the syndicated side, we have we’ve been smart about investments there, using our leverage to not only reduce our costs there but also get equity positions in various – or equity like positions in various programs with little-to-no capital. So that’s been a very profitable endeavor for us. And then on Tennis, which we did spend a decent chunk of change buying, it was a net price of $285 million and further investments in Tennis.com and Tennis magazine and you probably just saw that we signed up the WTA for a five-year deal and we’ve also expanded other rights in other categories, like the French Open where we put more premium matches on our air and then also revamped our OTT app.
So, it’s been an investment period for Tennis and Tennis is setting up exceptionally well for future growth with 2020 will be the breakout year for Tennis in a big way. And that’ll be the year where we sit back and look and say, wow, we really – all this work and investment that we put in has paid off in spades as 2020 looks to be a huge year for Tennis.
So, I guess, the overall question to your answer is when I look across what we’ve done in content, we’re in varying stages of development, but we’ve always had a good return on everything we’ve done, but I wouldn’t say that we’ve spent all that much risk capital when you consider the scale of the company overall.
ROH 16th Anniversary
ROH 16th Anniversary
Austin Aries shows off the many titles he has captured around the world before setting his sights on the ROH TV Championship.
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco
ROH 16th Anniversary
"The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes prepares to try and re-capture his Ring of Honor from Matt Taven.
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco
ROH 16th Anniversary
"The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes prepares to try and re-capture his Ring of Honor from Matt Taven.
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco
ROH 16th Anniversary
"The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes prepares to try and re-capture his Ring of Honor from Matt Taven.
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco
ROH 16th Anniversary
Kenny Omega is Bury The Bear!
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco
ROH 16th Anniversary
Kenny Omega surprises Cody!
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco
ROH 16th Anniversary
Brandi Rhodes plays mind games with Kenny Omega!
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco