The Rock has taken the time to congratulate WWE ahead of SmackDown 1000 tonight. The Great One is known for essentially creating the ‘SmackDown’ term, which led to the B-show eventually hitting our screens. Many fans have been speculating as to whether or not Rock will be appearing on the show this evening, and while this tweet doesn’t confirm that theory one way or the other, it certainly seems as if this could be his only contribution for the night.
RELATED: WWE Smackdown 1000 News And Updates
Huge #SD1000 congrats to my @WWE family!
Fun fact, in 1998, I said to @VinceMcMahon “I’m gonna use the word ‘Smackdown’ tonight in my promo”. He said what’s that mean? I said it means I’m gonna whup some ass. He belly laughed and said say it!
The rest was history! #IfYaSmell ?— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) October 16, 2018