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Blink And You Miss It: WWE Superstars Who Made Movie Cameos You May Have Missed

Wrestling and movies have long been associated with each other. Despite this, there are very few superstars in wrestling history who were able to make that successful transition to Hollywood. The Rock is obviously the biggest example of success, as he eventually went on to become the highest-paid actor in the World at some point.

However, even for him, it took a lot of trial and error along with having a great team to back him up that eventually led to the constant success and him becoming one of the most marketable box office draws in the world. Vince McMahon Sr., the father of Vincent Kennedy McMahon, wasn’t a big fan of the idea of crossovers to Hollywood. His son obviously saw it from a very different light and loved having the crossover and the mainstream attention that Hollywood could bring to the wrestling industry.

It should come as no surprise that over the years, many WWE superstars have had cameos or smaller appearances in films. Here are five major superstars who you didn’t know had movie cameos.

Next Page: 5 WWE Superstars Who Made Movie Cameos You May Have Missed