Photo by Henry Groskinsky/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

5 Most Underwhelming Main Events In WrestleMania History

Photo Credit: Getty Images

#5.) Roman Reigns vs Triple H – WrestleMania 32

Some fans might be surprised that this match isn’t higher up on the list. After all, the build to the match was bizarre, no one wanted to see Roman Reigns in the main event, and the match got little to no reaction when it was all said and done. The reality was that Dean Ambrose was the hottest superstar in the company at the time, and he was the one who fans wanted to see win the big one against Triple H.

As they did the previous year, WWE completely ignored this and decided to push Reigns anyway, much to the dismay of fans. The only reason this is in fifth place is that the match itself wasn’t too bad from an in-ring perspective. But the fact that the crowd was so disinterested and WWE tried way too hard to get Reigns over makes it one of the most underwhelming main events ever.

Next Page: 5 most underwhelming main events in WrestleMania history