Isenberg Reacts: WWE NXT “A Shocker In Osaka”

A Shocking Moment in Osaka


Via Live WZ Coverage:

Nakamura hits a few knees, that stagger Joe. Joe falls into the corner. Nakamura gets good vibrations with both feet. Joe rolls to the outside to avoid Nakamura. After a short break, Joe has Nakamura in the STF. As Nakamura crawls to the ropes Joe transitions into the crossface. Nakamura manages to get to the ropes. Joe sets up a suplex, but Nakamura reverses it into an armbar. Joe floats over into a pin, but Nakamura kicks out. Nakamura turns the pin into a triangle choke. Joe gets to the ropes and Nakamura has to release the hold.

Nakamura attempts the reverse exploders, but Joe fights out of it. Nakamura grabs Joe by the waist and German suplexes him. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa, but Joe turns it into a powerslam. Joe puts Nakamura in the muscle buster, but Nakamura wiggles off Joe’s shoulder. Nakamura attempts the Kinshasa, but Joe ducks and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Nakamura almost gets to the ropes. but Joe German suplexes him. Joe holds on to Nakamura and picks him up for a dragon suplex, but Nakamura reverses it into a roll-up Joe floats over, picks up Nakamura and German suplexes him again.

Joe tries to set up a straight jacket suplex, but Nakamura fights out of it, but Joe belly to belly suplexes him. Joe sets Nakamura on the top rope for another Muscle Buster. Nakamura tries to fight out of it, but Joe sends Nakamura tumbling to the outside with an enziguri. On the outside of the ring, Joe tries to uranage suplex Nakamura on the steel steps. Nakamura fights out of it and hits a Kinshasa to the back of Joe’s head. Joe goes face first into the ring steps. Nakamura rolls Joe back into the ring. Joe and Nakamura trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Nakamura fells Joe with an ax kick. Nakamura hits a sliding knee to Joe’s head. Nakamura picks up Joe in a fireman’s carry, but Nakamura collapses under Joe’s weight. Nakamura hits a Kinshasa off the top rope, followed by another Kinshasa for the win!

Although it was spoiled earlier in the week, I am still shocked to see a title change happen so quickly. Shinesuke Nakamura losing in Toronto sent shockwaves through the WWE Universe. There was not many people seeing Nakamura drop the title so quickly, but it was even more surprising to see Joe drop it only a few weeks after defeating Nakamura.

Is it because they were in Japan and that’s a great moment for Shinsuke? I think it is a combination of that and also WWE knowing that Samoa Joe might be able to benefit being on Smackdown or RAW sooner rather than later. With another championship match coming soon for both men, I can see Samoa Joe entering the Royal Rumble and getting an opportunity to find a great feud to head into WrestleMania. 

Samoa Joe is ready. He will be a guy that makes a huge impact on the “main” roster. 

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. NXT Rating:

WZ 7



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