Anderson and Gallows Pick Up Much Needed Win

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows took on Enzo and Cass in tag team action at WWE Hell in a Cell. The match started fast, with Enzo and Cass working on Anderson in the corner. Anderson is able to target Enzo, hitting a nice kick and some upper body shots. Luke Gallows comes in to continue the beating. Karl gets back in the ring and fights Enzo on the top rope. Enzo hits a boot to the face. He hits a DDT and the big men get the hot tags. Big Cass with a running boot to Gallows, hip tosses Anderson and then hits a splash into the corner. Anderson gets knocked off of the apron with a kick. East River Crossing, but Gallows sends Big Cass crashing to the outside afterwards. Gallows drops Enzo with a Thrust Kick, which sets up the Magic Killer and the win.
Like the title reads, this was a much needed win for Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. If WWE was not so set on having The New Day break the tag team championship record, the titles would be around the waists of these guys. I wish the match was longer than 7 minutes, but the fast action and pace was good for them.
Big Cass is going to be good, but there is still holes in his offense. Creating new moves will be critical for him to win over the smart crowds. After tonight, nothing changes for Enzo and Cass. They are still going to be popular and have the crowd rooting for them. Anderson and Gallows can focus on more success in the future, specially championship gold. I wouldn’t even mind one of them chasing a US Title.
A New Champion
Placed right after Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens did not do these guys justice, but Brian Kendrick became the new Cruiserweight Champion with a victory over TJ Perkins. In a fun match that lasted about ten minutes, both men were really focused on their personal conflicts. The story of their friendship helped this feel like the match was more intimate. TJP looked to be able to put away Kendrick, but the former champ started grabbing at his knee. It was a rouse and Perkins fell for it. A kick and the Captain’s Hook crowned us a new champion.
I like TJ Perkins in the ring. Whatever he is outside of the ring, I am not interested in. I was able to listen to him on the Talk is Jericho podcast and he came off smart, hungry and thankful. Unfortunately, many fans are not going to love that. For whatever reason, he is really catering to the young kids. Doing the Cam Newton Dab and playing video games seems cool, but it restricts him from connecting the most of the WWE Universe. Brian Kendrick is odd, he is battle tested and the fans (at least tonight) appreciated that. A slimy way to win, but the way a heel should win.