Roman Reigns vs. Rusev Inside Hell in a Cell

To kick off the night, Roman Reigns defended his United States Championship against Rusev. Figuring out what to do with these guys was simple. WWE let them brawl, with their physical strengths featured. Rusev beat down Reigns early in the match, tossing him all into the cell cage and on the outside. Roman meets the post a few times and then comes firing back with clotheslines and a Samoan Drop. He goes under the ring and gets a Kendo stick, unloading on the Bulgarian Brute.
Back in the ring, Roman gets trapped on the ropes. Rusev begins to take over once again. He brings steel steps into the ring and applies The Accolade on them. He grabs a steel chain and uses it to choke Roman Reigns. Roman is able to battle out and slam Rusev on the steel. Both men get to their feet and Reigns connects with a Spear to pick up the win.
With Roman and Rusev, there was not a need for flash. You needed both men to do what they do best and that is physically beat down their opponent. Hopefully, this ends the feud because I do not think there is much more you can do. They have been feuding since July and now is the right time for a new heel to step into the fold and battle Roman Reigns. Tonight was a really strong Hell in a Cell match and was booked how it needed to be. Will it go down as one of the best in history? No. Did it make both men look strong? Yes.
Bayley defeated Dana Brooke
A feud that has heated up the past month came to ahead at WWE Hell in a Cell. Bayley and Dana Brooke was nothing special. It was more about reestablishing Bayley as a viable threat in the Women’s Division. Dana Brooke continues to do good things in the ring, but is not at the top level of performers. It will come in time, especially since she has an excellent look.
Bayley has been average on the main roster, but she is still getting excellent reactions. After tonight, I think WWE needs to go full steam ahead with Bayley. Does this mean putting her with the Women’s Championship? Yes, I think she needs to eye the prize. The good thing with this time of the year is that RAW and Smackdown Live will do battle in three weeks. WWE can really focus on resetting some big feuds AFTER Survivor Series. Bayley and Dana should both be on the RAW Women’s Team. You do not have to like one another to fight for your brand. We will see that plenty over the next few weeks.