Professional wrestling has come a long way from its early humble beginnings back in the 18th century, up to the bloody mayhem we have today. It is an ever-expanding industry with many millions of insatiable fans all around the world. In order to please such large crowds, many producers, or simply admirers of wrestling, took it to the internet. Podcasts today are the hottest new way to find out everything you want to know about professional wrestling and its main events and stars. Because everyone can start a podcast nowadays, it can be difficult to find the ones with the truly relevant, high-quality content. Because of that, we’ve assembled a list of the best wrestling podcasts found online today.
Best Wrestling Podcasts
The Art of Wrestling
The first place on the list goes to The Art of Wrestling, Colt Cabana’s podcast. Cabana is a well-known wrestler who worked at WWE, as well as Ring of Honor. He is a good friend of CM Punk, which he used to get an exclusive interview with him after leaving World Wrestling Entertainment. Cabana is a charismatic host that invites various guests to the show, some of whom are prominent wrestling stars and others that are only about to break into the world of wrestling. If you’re just getting into the wrestling podcasts, this is the place to start.
Solomonster Sounds Off
The next one is basically a fan-made podcast – Solomonster Sounds Off. Jason Solomon, the man behind such an epic pseudonym is a charismatic humorous wrestling fan whose passion is evident with every word he utters. While fan-made podcasts are generally not that great in terms of quality, this one is certainly higher than many. It comes out once a week, but it is worth it. Give him a shot, listen to what he has to say and decide for yourself.
The Jim Cornette Experience
While not a wrestler himself, Jim Cornette is wrestling personified. He has worked for every major wrestling company there is and knows a lot about the inner-workings of the whole industry. Speaking freely on any subject and criticizing anything that deserves it has always been Jim’s main characteristic. This podcast is his way of addressing the audience personally, in order to try and restore honor to this good old sport. Tune in every Thursday and hear what he has to say.
The Ross Report
Jim Ross is a well-known authority in the field of wrestling. Every Wednesday he gives his not-so-humble opinion on the latest wrestling happenings and people adore his every word. What makes him so great? Well, first of all, he is considered by many to be the greatest announcer in the history of professional wrestling. Besides that, his shows feature a great amount of various knowledgeable celebrities, in-depth analyses, and much more. Listen to his podcast and within minutes you’ll understand the importance of The Ross Report to the fans around the world.
Bauer & Pollock
In this podcast, Court Bauer and John Pollock discuss the past week’s events, talk about related news and try to predict what will happen in some of the shows to come. And the thing is, they know what they’re talking about. Bauer is a former member of WWE’s creative team, meaning he took part in all the dramatization and storylines conception. It also means that he knows a lot of trivia about the events and the wrestlers themselves. Pollock’s rich experience including his work on the Fight Network and LAW also makes him an interesting host.

Talk Is Jericho
Chris Jericho is a person that needs no introduction. A wrestling champion, Jericho recently successfully realized himself as a great show host. His podcast called Talk Is Jericho gives an inside look into the life and career of one of the greatest wrestling masters of all time. Besides that, Talk Is Jericho often features interviews with various other wrestling champions like Batista, Edge, Neville, etc. Free-minded as he is, Jericho often digresses and talks about matters other than wrestling so be prepared also for some off-topic discussions.
The Steve Austin Show
Among the best podcast shows available to you today is, no doubt, The Steve Austin Show. Although you might think that his TV wrestling personality is simply a work of fiction, his podcast will convince you that it is actually him. The “Stone Cold” guy who was one of the leaders of the Attitude Era is basically the same guy you can hear two times during the week on the Steve Austin Show. His uninhibited thoughts on any subject and the flare with which he discusses everything will make you love him as much you do in ring. According to the occasion, you can choose the toned down version on Tuesdays or the full-on Stone Cold thing on Thursday.
As we’ve mentioned before, there are countless podcasts today made by both eager teenage fans and experienced veteran former wrestling stars. You should choose the ones you love based on your criteria and interests. This list is simply your best starting point, from where you can set your own course and discover new and exciting wrestling podcasts. You can thank us later.