Professional wrestling is all about the finishing moves. They are a culmination of everything displayed thus far and are, therefore, much more exciting to watch. While some of the moves are specific to certain wrestlers, others are performed by anyone who has the necessary skills to do them. We will take a look at some of the most interesting and/or influential finishing moves in the entire wrestling history. Here is our top 10.
Best Finishing Moves in Wrestling History
The first up on the list is perhaps the most well-known finishing move called DDT. It was probably created in the early 70s by, who else than a Mexican wrestler called Black Gordman. In the USA, however, the move was popularized by Jake “The Snake” Roberts, a wrestler who would usually place snakes inside the ring (thus the name). The DDT is performed by grabbing the opponent by the head in what is known as front facelock and force-dropping him to the mat, head first. What is interesting is the fact that the name comes from a pesticide known to cause brain damage. You see the connection?
The Go to Sleep
This finishing move was invented by a famous Japanese wrestler, Kenta, but it was popularized in America by CM Punk. The wrestler lifts his opponent up and puts him on his shoulders. After this classic fireman’s carry, he throws in front of himself and, as the opponent falls, kicks him with the knee mid-air forcing him to “Go to Sleep.” This astounding move has had many variations, but the basic idea is always the same. Because it requires a lot of practice and finesse, the move is not for everyone and only a handful of wrestlers can perform it perfectly.

Figure 4 Leg Lock
Now we’ve come to a bit more complex move. Figure 4 Leg Lock is a move focusing mainly on the performer’s leg power. The wrestler first gets the opponent to the ground and grabs one of his legs. After securing the leg, he proceeds to grab the other one and locks them between his own legs in the form of a number four. Using the opponent’s leg as a lever, he applies pressure, making him forfeit in a matter of seconds. Figure 4 Leg Lock, however, is a dangerous move for both the performer and his opponent, as it damages the knees.
The Black Widow
The next one is a powerful female move called the Black Widow. In order to perform it, the wrestler has to be in top athletic form. Extensively used by AJ Lee, it starts with the wrestler wrapping his legs around the opponent’s head. After she has a firm grip, she quickly grabs the opponent’s arm and pulls it backwards, making the opponent lean forwards, eventually falling down to the ground. She applies pressure to the arm until the opponent forfeits. It is, no doubt, a commanding finishing move that leaves the opponent helpless.
Cattle Mutilation
This one certainly has a strange name. A lot of things have entered a ring in wrestling history, but cattle is not among them. So, what’s it all about? This move, also known as Bridging Double Chickenwing, starts when an opponent is lying down on his stomach. The wrestler places his arms under his armpits and, performing a bridge, puts pressure on the opponent, burying his head into the mat. This finishing move was popularized in the USA by Bryan Danielson, better known as Daniel Bryan. Why it is called Cattle Mutilation remains a mystery to this day, just as it is the case with this well-known global phenomenon.