Vince Russo’s THE BRAND which could be both SEEN and HEARD daily on the RELMNetwork.com and PodcastOne.com, was highlighted this week by the conclusion of my SWERVE interview with Nick Aldis, aka Former TNA Superstar Magnus, and the first part of my discussion with Ray Leppan, Formerly known as WWE Superstar Adam Rose.
In the finale of my Nick Aldis interview, Nick minces NO WORDS when it comes to his former employer and the way they handled certain situations concerning his welfare. Magnus discusses some serious topics that many of the boys face today when it comes to dealing with management including being asked to work with the knowledge of them knowing you have a concussion–which was the beginning of the end for Nick’s TNA career:
“The night I won the title in the match with Jeff (Hardy) I got a concussion. I never had one before, I’ve never had one since. It was a rotten concussion–one of those where I was on auto-pilot for the rest of the mach. At one point I went to the corner, grabbed Jeff and said, ‘I hurt my head–talk to me I don’t know what’s going on’. We still went through the whole thing, so no one could tell. You become a victim of your own success at TNA. I think because I did such a good job of covering it up . . . I always felt that there was this element that Big (John Gaburick) didn’t buy it . . .like he really didn’t think that I got hurt. I was thinking to myself–why would I pretend to get hurt on the night I won the World Title? What could I possibly be trying to avoid?”
Later in the week, in my interview with Ray Leppan, former WWE Superstar Adam Rose, we discuss his life before, during and now after the WWE. In Part 1 of this interview Ray tackles such subjects as; why he clipped his locks following his WWE departure, living homeless as a teen growing up, dealing with the life-threatening issues of his son Maverick, his career in NXT, unforgettable comments made to him by Michael Hayes and having a pre-determined level of success in the WWE.
You can listen to Vince Russo’s THE BRAND on PodcastOne every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network where for the entire month of June you can subscribe to THE BRAND and get your first month FREE! All the information is at RussosBrand.com.