Tag Team Tournament Matches

Enzo and Cass are really the definition of traditional tag teams. They work so well together because they are polar opposites. The gimmick continues to get over with the crowd and it looks like WWE knows what to do with them. They pick up a win over The Ascension, which was basic and just enough splash moves to keep them from looking generic.
Later in the night, The Vaudevillians took on Goldust and Fandango. I like Aiden English and Simon Gotch. They are so different and are another team that has the potential to be really successful. Time will tell with them and their match tonight made them look more physical and intense than last week. This will be a continued growth and continued project for WWE creative.
As for Truth and Goldust, what was the point of backstage segments if they pair Fandango with Goldust and they are going to be eliminated in the first round? That makes no sense to me. Who really cared to see these two together? This was so random and made me annoyed with how they book certain talent. Nobody cares enough to see Goldust lose with another partner and have R-Truth come in and “save the day.”
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