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Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Relying on The Youth”

The Miz, Zack Ryder and Baron Corbin


The Miz introduces Zack Ryder as his guest on Miz TV. The Miz runs down Ryder and basically says that his win at WrestleMania was a fluke. Ryder makes fun of Miz wearing more makeup than his wife. Ryder says he will get his Intercontinental Championship back and wants a match with him tonight. Instead, The Miz introduces his opponent for tonight. Baron Corbin makes his way to the ring. Corbin controls most of the match until Ryder is able to hit a neck breaker and then a Broski Boot. Baron heads to the outside and then Ryder throws him back into the ring, only to get caught with End of Days. Corbin tries to hit another one on the outside, but Dolph Ziggler comes out. His superkick gets blocked and then Corbin tries for End of Days. Ziggler escapes and Corbin heads out of the ring unharmed.

This was a really good opening for some of the mid card storylines. My question was about Cesaro. Since he is facing The Miz, why wouldn’t he make some sort of appearance? Other than that, I do think WWE is trying to make Zack Ryder still feel important. Although he lost to Corbin, he is still used as a piece of Ziggler and Corbin. Will he get another shot at the title sometime soon? I do not think so, but his gimmick and the fact that they have emphasized more of his “personal” connection with WWE since he was a child means he could still be utilized in a positive light. As for Corbin and Dolph, this is an easy way for WWE to give the casual fans a reason to hate a new heel on the main roster.

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Emma defeated Paige

Emma and Paige do battle on Smackdown. Emma really takes control with an Emma Sandwich for a two count. Emma hits some shots to Paige’s neck and back, followed by a Dragon Suplex. After that, Paige hits a few kicks and then a running knee. Paige puts Emma on the top rope and hits some punches to the abdomen. She goes for a superplex, but Emma counters by sending Paige crashing head first to the top turnbuckle to pickup the victory. 

I will say I was surprised to see Emma pick up the win. There is no doubt that she is a good performer and a good wrestler, but I am baffled about the booking decisions of Paige. Has WWE soured on her? If they have, why? What is the reasoning behind this? Is this to add more depth from top to bottom on the Women’s division? Paige is still a really big draw for fans because they can connect with her personality and her desire of the company. We have yet to see that from Emma, even though I am a fan of her work.

WZ 6

Enzo and Cass Are The Definition of Traditional Tag Team…