San Jose Airport was flooded with WrestleMania banners, signs and fans. WWE definitely infiltrated California and jumping off the flight gave me goosebumps. The weather was spectacular and it was going to be another eventful weekend. New people to our crew included Ethian, Jean-Francois (We need to hit another gentleman’s club in Dallas), Trevor and Amber Ellison, Bam Stone (with alotta guys) and Caroline Collins. The group expanded BIG TIME and it could not have been a better group of people.
The festivities were packed with Vince Russo events, including Rookie’s Sports Lodge being our hub for the weekend. Whether it was lunch, dinner, drinks or parties, we were here. It was a blast to be taken care of so much by the staff there. We felt like a million bucks and probably drank that amount as well. First thing is first: Brian Gulish busted his ass off this weekend. I give credit to LaBar and myself from time to time, but this was his idea. It went off without a hitch (that I saw). Appetizers, open tabs and 50 fans for a close session with Russo really helped us enjoy the company.
The next night, J. Lohr winery took care of us with a fancier night. Throwing on my maroon pants, tie and vest we wined and dined like kings and queens. The finest cheeses, the tastiest reds and whites. I can remember speaking with a new member of the group at length, Brian Karavlan. The man from Pittsburgh and now living up in Northern California connected immediately with the group. Aside from being the most annoying CM Punk mark in the history of the universe, he is actually a really great dude. Yes, he had his special moment later that night with Sunny. (No, he is not in her new video) I also can remember when Jeff Hardy gave me a hug and said, thanks for being so good to Matt. He said great things about you guys. So, we went from happy hour with Vince to seemingly every TNA superstar at the Nash party. Again, a party you MUST go to. Just make sure your pretty ladies go nowhere near Hornswoggle. Dude creeps harder than Facebook stalkers.