Shane McMahon is Back

In a shocking turn of events, Stephanie and Vince are interrupted during the award ceremony by Shane McMahon. He comes out and talks about signing a deal with his father years ago and wants to save the company from plummeting. He talks about how he wants control of Monday Night Raw. Vince gives him that chance, booking a match for Shane at WrestleMania. His opponent is The Undertaker. It will be inside Hell in a Cell.
Well, nobody saw this coming. When Vince McMahon talked about being creative, many people laughed at the notion. When WWE has used so many of their surprises over the years, it takes a lot to shock people. It takes a lot to get people buzzing and this was one of those incredible moments we will never forget. Moving forward with this match will be interesting. The Undertaker is a guy who rarely fights as a heel, so this is going to be intriguing to see how they book him over the next 5 weeks. For instance, he needs to come out and talk about why he is fighting for Vince. Can they use Shane’s previous experiences with WCW guys, preferably Sting? Will we finally see both men in the same ring together to hype this match?
We know Shane will bring it in the ring and has all of us buzzing, but it is going to be fun and difficult at the same time for WWE to try and come up with a way to make us believe Shane can actually BEAT The Undertaker. We can all agree that this is better than 80 percent of what was rumored for The Undertaker. With no streak on the line anymore, WWE needed some stipulation to focus on. Mission was accomplished tonight.