Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Rock Revs Up Road To WrestleMania”

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. League of Nations

wwe raw

Rusev and Sheamus take on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose in the main event of the night. Dean Ambrose hits a flying elbow to the outside, taking out all four men.  Roman is in a headlock after the commercial break, thanks to Sheamus. Sheamus hits a knee and then gets taken down by a clothesline. Reigns drags himself to Dean and makes the tag. Ambrose fires up with shots to Sheamus and then a crossbody. Rusev throws Dean over and over again into the barricade. He hits three Irish Curse backbreakers onto Dean. Finally, Ambrose tags in Reigns. He hits a big boot, some clotheslines and clears the ring of The League of Nations. He hits a Samoan Drop onto Sheamus, a drive by on Rusev and then hits more clotheslines. Superman Punch time, but he is distracted. He gets hit with a few kicks and then a Brogue Kick. Ambrose saves the match and is desperate. Reigns hits a Spear and picks up the win. 

After the match, they rip the tables apart. Reigns and Ambrose plant Rusev through the announce table with shades of The Shield. The main event of WWE Fastlane is made. It will be Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar.

The match itself was really good, even though I was surprised that Roman Reigns was used as the weak man more in the match and Dean got the hot tag relatively early. Roman did get the tag, later in the bout, that helped the crowd get behind him. With Ambrose, his quick and creative offense never gets dull and is always the definition of consistent. I really thought that Roman needed to be more aggressive, unleash more hell on the guys that cost him the title. He should be unchained, not reversed and playing by the rules. The main event is refreshing and will be interesting to see what happens. Is it predictable that Reigns pins Ambrose with Lesnar taken out by The Wyatt Family?

WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZ 7


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