Triple H Still Got It

Raw kicks off with Triple H being talked about by Vince McMahon and Stephanie. They talk about Roman Reigns being miserable and then Triple H comes out. He talks about how he does not need to be champion, but wants to be. He talks about respect and how Roman Reigns does not have any. He calls this business his religion and will be champion for as long as he wants.
Great heel promo work from one of the best in the business. Whether it is 2002 or 2016, Triple H still has that tone, that vibe and that intensity in his voice to really come off as a jerk. The title looks excellent around his “corporate” waist. It got the crowd chanting Roman and it got the fans who think he buries everyone feeling like they are right. Mission accomplished.
Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler kicks things off with some right hands and both men spill to the outside. Owens takes over during the break by throwing Ziggler into the steel post. Kevin Owens ends up applying a headlock and Dolph fights back. Dolph Ziggler fights back and hits a nice DDT, followed by a Superkick. Dolph goes for a splash into the corner, but Owens fights back. He throws Ziggler into the ropes and then gets hit with the pop-up Powerbomb for the win.
A very good match, but nothing spectacular. It was a good bout that featured just enough offense to make it interesting. I am surprised how much Miami loved Kevin Owens. Dolph is usually more popular in cities in the south. Being billed from Florida did not help him, as Owens continues to be super hot. Does he turn face? Can he always be a heel?