Roman Reigns vs Wile E. Coyote

roman reignsI can’t decide if Roman Reigns is Charlie Brown, who always got the football yanked away, or Wile E. Coyote, who kept falling off a cliff. Ric Flair is going to be on Raw. Given last week’s crap rating, WWE should give Flair the belt.

Apparently Sheamus is champion by way of his ability to be so dastardly, he’ll enable Reigns to (finally) be a top babyface.

I don’t think that’s going to work. I’m not sure Stalin was dastardly enough to accomplish that. But I don’t see anything else that might work. So, what the heck.

If Sheamus is supposed to be this terrible heel, his championship win certainly wasn’t positioned as such.

The MITB cash-in should fail about 25 percent of the time. It’s trite and clichéd, and has contributed to the belt’s devaluation. Along with a million other things.

When Sheamus did cash, his win was presented as smart and timely. Heels aren’t smart and timely. Heels are cowardly and opportunistic. That’s how Sheamus winning the championship should have been packaged. WWE announcing is so often counter-productive. That’s on the guy screaming in the announcers’ headsets.