WZ Mailbag: A Secondary Title in NXT?, Two MITB Briefcases, Vince Vs Hogan, Will The UK Host WrestleMania?, More

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Do you think NXT should have a secondary championship? So that other talent like Solomon Crowe and Bull Dempsy have a title to fight for than having some talent look ‘stale’.

No, they shouldn’t have a separate NXT title. The only reason I say this is because all of the NXT roster fights for the ultimate goal of getting to the main roster, they aren’t there to compete for a secondary title in NXT. Either way, not every single feud has to be over a title! 

Now that Ring of Honor has a TV deal, can you see other promotions like CZW or PWG getting or at least trying to get

some kind of TV deals done with networks?

I would certainly be all for it, I am a proud supporter of Indy Wrestling. One of the problems is that most of these promotions don’t have any negotiation power, but the main problem is that 90% of these promotions just can’t afford it. It costs so much to make a TV show, just ask TNA. Nobody can watch everything, who’s to say that one of these shows will be a popular as ROH or Lucha Underground anyway? But if they have the opportunity, I say go for it!

Money In The Bank had historic moments, as we all know Edge was the first person to win the Money In The Bank, and cashed it to win the WWE Championship. Money In The Bank was cashed in on WWE Smackdown, and on WWE RAW. It was also cashed in on WWE WrestleMania, PPV. My question is, what if we had 2 Money In The Bank Winners, and after the Championship Match, the first Money In The Bank contract holder cash in his MITB and wins the Championship. After word, 2nd Money In the Bank contract holder cash in his MITB on the new Champion and wins the Championship. Don’t you think that moment will be historic?

Having two contracts just won’t work, although I do like the possible storyline that comes from it. Some say that the MITB storyline is stale, I disagree but it certainly won’t help critics with two briefcases. Having two holders would just be a mess, and that what the WWE certainly doesn’t need right now.