
The Bella Twins against Paige and Emma: 30-second match. What’s the point?

Patricia Arquette demanded pay equity for women in Hollywood when she accepted her Oscar Sunday night. I’m not sure what WWE Divas earn. I suspect it’s less than the men. Not sure what to say about that. Wrestling paychecks have always been scaled according to who draws what.

OK, so that’s not true. Vince McMahon pays what he feels like.

But if that’s all that can be done with some fairly talented performers, why bother? That’s just filler. A sorbet to cleanse the palate between men’s matches.

Sure, the Divas are eye candy. Yeah, “Total Divas” provides storylines. (It shouldn’t, but it does. In fact, that show controls the Divas division.) But storylines have to play out in the ring. Thirty seconds rarely provides time for something meaningful. It wasn’t exactly Rogers-Sammartino. Or even SheamusDaniel Bryan.

WWE has never been better poised to do something meaningful with the women’s division. Between Natalya, Charlotte and Sasha Banks, they got workers. The Bellas are over – at least as over as you can get in 30 seconds. I wonder if Lana can wrestle? Her character is strong. Paige is growing on me.

Charlotte says her goal is to headline a PPV. I’m not sure that’s going to happen. No matter what Patricia Arquette demands.