Wrestlezone’s Top 10 “IT DOESN’T MATTER…” Promos w/ The Rock

WZ Top TenThere have been hundreds, if not thousands of memorable catchphrases throughout wrestling history. From “whatcha gonna do, brother!” to Ric Flair’s iconic “Wooo!”. But I don’t think any line is as humiliating, as captivating, or as …electric… as The Rock’s signature “IT DOESN’T MATTER…” response to everyone. And we mean everyone. From his opponents to Vince McMahon, laptop computers, random ring crew, and backstage interviewers. 

This week we take a look back at some of the best, most hilarious moments from the Great One’s career. If you disagree, think we’re missing any major moments, or have other thoughts to share, please leave your comments in the section below, or discuss this in the Wrestlezone Forums!