Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Superstars Return on the Road To SummerSlam”

The Team Team Division

wwe raw reactionThe Wyatt Family defeated The Uso's and Sheamus

This was a very entertaining match. Even though this match has been seen multiple times, WWE booked it pretty well tonight. Sheamus focused on Rowan and Harper a little more than Bray, which was a good call in my mind. Sheamus is knocked out of the ring and Harper is the legal man. Harper hits a massive kick to Sheamus and the Irishman is out. The hot tag is made to the Uso's, who try to fasten the pace. Rowan gets a Brogue Kick and Wyatt is waiting for Sheamus. Harper hits a massive clothesline and picks up the win. 

Harper and Rowan lose last night, but pick up a meaningful win tonight. It is very simple: WWE does not want them as champions right now, but they are the best contenders for The Uso's. 

Score: 7.5/10

Goldust and Stardust defeated Rybaxel

The faces pick up the win in a similar match from last night. Ryback and Axel control the offense a bit more and it is up to Stardust to save the day. I give Cody credit because he continues to adapt his offensive style in the ring to whatever character they ask him to do. That is not easy. 

Score: 5/10

This match shows us that WWE only has one legit tag team to challenge The Uso's right now. I can see Goldust and Stardust continuing to win, but do they really need championship titles? What is the end game for them? Shouldn't they focus on how they will split up? Will they? Too many questions and too few answers.