Memo to Punk: Be Careful

cm punkWWE continues to dump on Daniel Bryan, the people’s choice. The other people’s choice, C.M. Punk, has been aggravated into leaving.

It doesn’t exactly display promotional genius when those things happen proximate to launching a subscription network that is absolutely crucial to the company’s bottom line. Is there a marketing major in the house?

The Bryan story has been beaten to death, much like him.

The Punk story…well, at least it’s something different.

Punk decided to leave when Batista won the Royal Rumble, thus giving Batista a main event at WrestleMania and a guaranteed huge payday almost immediately upon returning. I’m not sure how that affects Punk. He wasn’t going to get that match. Is he outraged about Bryan’s constant deceleration? If so, join the club.

Come WrestleMania, WWE often has an influx of part-timers who make more and work less than 95 percent of the roster, then go on their merry way with a big bag full of cash. They clog ‘Mania, pushing regulars down/off the card and chopping dollars off their paychecks. ‘Mania is Undertaker’s retirement job.

It’s not fair. Perhaps that troubles Punk.

You’d think Punk might have noticed that wrestling wasn’t fair long before this. Punk’s whole career has been about conquering “not fair.”

Punk also doesn’t seem to be happy unless he’s unhappy. I’m like that. When things are serene, I get itchy. Like Reese Bobby in “Talledega Nights.” You remember: When Will Ferrell was still funny. “Anchorman 2” = DISASTER.

Punk knows a lot about wrestling. He’s done well with his money, so he’s not afraid to walk away to make a point.

But if Punk isn’t careful, one of these times WWE won’t want him back.

Maybe that will be OK by Punk. As I’ve often said, the last thing “the family” wants around is someone who knows more than they do. Punk’s purt’ near if not plumb. To the McMahons, there’s no point in Punk protesting because they have no intention of changing things.

Consider Punk’s last walkout. The whole “pipe bomb” scenario. Did WWE change? Hell, no. If they had, Punk wouldn’t be walking out again. Punk got treated better. Paid more. Pushed better. But the organizational philosophy did not change one iota. WWE is the same, now as then. The only thing that will ever change WWE is competition from a legit No. 2 promotion. That will likely never be forthcoming.

Punk’s done well. But it won’t take much for WWE to consider him some skinny pissant who isn’t anything without the machine.

Maybe they’re right. Look at Jeff Hardy.

Punk isn’t their type. Never was. He’s a great performer. Great promo. As a man, he’s got guts and integrity. He isn’t afraid to take a stand.

This time, that may cost him. In fake wrestling, it usually does.

Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkMaddenX