Title This: WWE Raw Reaction May 13th, 2013

WWE RawThe Undercard

Chris Jericho and Fandango "Dance-off." Well, we got Fandango getting quick heat from the crowd. This was intelligently placed on Raw to kick it off because the crowd is ready to go from the very beginning. They are not tired from 2 hours or so of content, so they really responded well. Jericho cut a very solid face promo, while Fandango refused to dance at first. It ended up that Summer Rae "twisted" her ankle, forcing Fandango to stop dancing. Fandango left and then came back and brutally attacked Jericho. I loved the aggression shown from Fandango. He can go from a silly dancer to a fighter very quickly. He is really learning the ropes from Jericho. This feud will ultimately benefit Fandango in the long run. I also liked how Summer faked the injury and laughed afterwards. A young heel needs a strong woman to back him up. Let's see her character begin to build. Mixed Tag Team matches are in the near future.

Grade: B

Kofi Kingston defeated Damien Sandow in a quick match. Sandow was in control for a while, until Kingston broke out of a two count right after a beautiful swinging neckbreaker. Kingston was announced to facing Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship right before this match. That told you everything you needed to know about the outcome.

-I really think Kingston vs. Ambrose will be an excellent match at WWE Extreme Rules. The psychology in the ring will be second to none. Now, we all know why Antonio Cesaro dropped the United States Championship. They needed a face to drop it to Ambrose. Smart decision.

Grade: B

Primetime Players defeated Tons of Funk. This match was very average. Young got beaten down by Tensai and Brodus, but Titus saved the day. Young used his plastic hair pick to stab Brodus in the neck. Titus rolls him up for a quick win. Yeah, this did nothing for me.

Grade: D