Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-25-13

WWE RawThe Undercard For Wrestlemania:

Chris Jericho defeated Dolph Ziggler in a very good match that featured much athleticism. Ziggler hit a beautiful dropkick in the match to give him the upper hand. He grounded Jericho with a headlock, but it was much more about what would happen after that. Jericho had a few reversals and then made Ziggler tap to the Walls of Jericho. We got to see the strength of Big E when he hit his finisher on Jericho. This allowed Fandango to come out and get a few cheap shots on Jericho. His debut will be at Wrestlemania against Chris Jericho. At first, I was skeptical because he is a guy that could be harmed by losing too early. After much consideration, this is a perfect match. Jericho is extremely established and is a guy who can lose and lose and still be a main event guy if they need him to be. Jericho continues to put young guys over, work house shows, and be a guy who can help so many wrestlers in the company know how to be one of the best. I am looking forward to veteran vs. rookie at Wrestlemania.

Grade: B+

Team Hell No defeated Primetime Players in a good tag team match. We knew the outcome of this match ahead of time. This is one problem with all matches. You know who is going to win, so the predictability is out of the window. I enjoyed the contest and thought Darren Young actually looked the best I have seen him. He connected with a nice belly to belly and was not completely squashed. Dolph and Big E watch from the ramp. You saw them "scouting" and was executed just like you needed it. Next week, I see them with Kaitlyn, facing Dolph, AJ, and Big E. Build the big tag match while adding a few pieces each week.

Grade: B-

The Shield defeated The Great Khali, Zack Ryder, and Justin Gabriel in a very simplistic match. Ambrose busted out an excellent running dropkick right into the sternum of Ryder. As the match continued, you saw a little taste or Reigns and a little piece of Rollins. They were not overexposed, not forced down our throats, and teamed up to take out weak competition. Orton, Sheamus, and Big Show came down and cleared the ring of The Shield. They always retreat and still find a way to look powerful. I thought the match was brutal, but the ending got me a little more interested in the 6 man tag match. My biggest question is: Does Orton or Sheamus turn heel?

Grade: C+