Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-4-13

WWE RawThe Undercard:

Ryback defeated Antonio Cesaro in what was their best match to date. Ryback actually had to fight back from an aggressive and ferocious attack from Antonio, who continues to impress me. He was able to ground Ryback with strikes to his lower body and then was able to hit a great European Uppercut. It looked like he would pick him up for the Neutralizer, but Ryback reverses it and connects with a Shell Shock. Good work by both men who are physical and demanding in the ring, and it was nice to see Ryback have to fight back. I just HATE how the United States Champion loses on Raw…. AGAIN. What is the point of him facing guys like Ryback and lose while being a "champion?" Instead of finding him a feud, he is putting over guys who do not need put over by him. Grade: B

Mark Henry squashes Zack Ryder. The biggest part of this was that Mark Henry interrupted Ryback leaving and stared him down. This is a great foreshadowing to see two monsters collide at Wrestlemania. I love the fact that Henry will face Ryback. Physical heavyweights going head on. Let the staring continue and hold off of them getting physical for a month. Grade: B …. for the potential Henry/Ryback feud.

Team Hell No defeated Primetime Players. Well, this match officially ends the chances PTP gets a spot at Wrestlemania. If they would have won, you could give them a case for being in a feud and championship match against Bryan and Kane. The match was very mechanical, predictable, but I still enjoyed the offense involved. Bryan's knee to O'Neil on the outside connected perfectly. I cannot get enough of his unique offense. The biggest concern is who will they feud with and are they losing steam because of a lack of competition? Grade: B-

The New Age Outlaws defeated Primo and Epico. It was great to see the outlaws back in the WWE, being over 13 years since fighting on Raw. Road Dogg looked really solid and quick, while Gunn looks just as good as before. The match was a nice gimmick to see, with Gunn hitting the Fameasser for the victory. If this is a one night treat, I am happy we saw it. If they want another run, they might be a savior for a division that I complain about on a weekly basis. Grade: B-