Superstar Spotlight

Superstar Spotlight Presents: Things I’m Thankful For…

I am thankful for…

…CM Punk getting a lengthy title reign he deserves; whether you are a fan or not you should at least respect it because it doesn’t happen that often.

…Impact Wrestling having more consistent and quality booking over the past several months. No promotion is perfect, but they are in a better position than last year. 

…Big Show finally winning a high profile match and being booked like the strong monster he should be, which has been long overdue.

…NXT being such a good show. This new format has been great so far.

…Austin Aries being a breakout star in TNA. I loved his run as X-Division Champion, but he proved to a lot of people that he could win the big one and be a strong part of the main event.

…WWE getting a little bit of an edge back, and Paul Heyman calling the fans on bitching about getting what they wanted.

…Indy shows and special events being closer to home, and seeing great match cards.   

…WWE embracing the internet and social media. While they do go a bit overboard sometimes, we wouldn’t have had Daniel Bryan or Zack Ryder advance so quickly if they didn’t take (more) notice of the IWC.

…The Iron Sheik, “Cranky Vince” and “TNA Creative” Twitter accounts. Let the hilarity ensue.

…Christopher Daniels being used frequently and correctly. The guy is a hell of a talent (always has been) and he is getting much more deserved air time.

 …Hearing good things about wrestler’s health, like Jeff Hardy getting his life in order, and Jerry “The King” Lawler successfully recovering from a major heart attack.

…Getting Jim Ross back for a few weeks on RAW. It’s unfortunate why it happened, but he’s been great.

…JBL being a commentating god.

…Dean Ambrose’s debut. Now we can go back to blaming Miz for things, arrows to the knee, Lobster Heads and Brrrrrrrapple Dough.

…new characters like Ryback getting a taste of the main event, but not being hot potatoed the title. This is good evidence of long term booking being planned out.

…Bully Ray. What more can you say about his singles run. He has been on fire and he proved to a lot of people that he can be a top guy.

…WWE remembering what it’s like to have a good tag team division and midcard.

…Seriously, Dean Ambrose. And #SexHair , but mostly Dean Ambrose. The madness can stop.



…knowing so many caring, understanding and helpful people in my professional and personal life.

What are you thankful for? It can be wrestling related or personal; share your thoughts in the comments section below.