Superstar Spotlight Report Card

There have been a few times since Superstar Spotlight started where the subject of the article started getting a stronger push after being featured. I do know that alot of it had to do with luck, circumstance or in some cases that guy was just the flavor of the week, but I would (sarcastically) like to think that “Spotlight” had a bit to do with it. Since the school semester is coming to a close, I thought it was fitting to check in on a few people who have been at the top of the class.

Bobby Roode

Bobby Roode was featured two months ago, and alot of the things that were written then are still true. Bobby Roode is still the World Heavyweight Champion. We still want to see Bobby Roode get his ass kicked. It happened at Lockdown, and James Storm beat him up back, but Roode still walked out champion. If Storm wasn’t going to win the title last Sunday, this was a great way to keep the title on Roode. He didn’t cheat and it wasn’t an overbooked finish; we got a good fight and a miscue by Storm caused him to come up short. In my opinion, Roode continues to be one of the best parts of Impact Wrestling, and dare I say in all of wrestling? Brock Lesnar just showed up on RAW to mix things up, and I love the Jericho/Punk feud, but Roode is right up there with them in terms of entertainment value. Roode hasn’t had much TV time the past two shows (TNA’s fault, not his), but whatever time he gets has been great and well used. I haven’t enjoyed a heel champion like this in a long time, and I hope he continues his reign well into the summer or fall.


It’s a bit odd to include a retired superstar, but Edge has been great in the brief appearances he has made since stepping away last year. Edge came back and put Christian in his place last year, but his segment with John Cena this past week added another element to his feud with Brock Lesnar. He really got me invested in Cena’s side of things and hopefully Edge gave him the kick in the ass he needs to contend at Extreme Rules. I actually hope Brock kicks Cena’s ass and does it in short time, but that doesn’t mean Edge didn’t do a great job making Cena look better. Edge is great on the mic and I can see him being a modern day Rowdy Roddy Piper; he makes sporadic appearances, but when he does they are well spoken, effective and praised.