Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 1-13-12

Opening Segment

Daniel Bryan comes out and talks about successfully defending his World Championship last week against the Big Show. Bryan goes on to say Show deserves another rematch and he will get it tonight, which is one Bryan wants to make special to tell his grandchildren about one day. Furthermore, Bryan says Henry should be suspended from what happened last week. Henry makes his way out, says he will not be at ringside, and will get his title match next week.

What I Liked

This is an interesting character progression for Bryan. He is a guy who is teetering the line of face and heel in an effective way, basically trying to fool the audience with the words he speaks, and not necessarily his actions. I think it is imminent where he will full fledge heel turn, but keep playing this angle for a few more weeks until after Royal Rumble. It shows you what Bryan can be capable of, or what he couldn't. Henry comes out to further the three man feud, and I really liked how Henry capitalized on his quick time in the ring to remind us he is a former champion.

What I Disliked

We should have had Big Show interact at some point here, especially since he is involved in the main event tonight. If you are going to have three guys involved in the World Title picture, you have to have all of them confronting one another in every aspect. Also, Bryan needs to tone down the excessive celebration, as it makes his middle ground face/heel persona less effective.

Grade: B

Justin Gabriel def. Heath Slater

What I Liked

Two young guys do battle here, with a little background as members of Nexus. Slater is very good at selling his opponents' moves, and I feel like Gabriel is a guy who is so explosive on offense, so this match works. I liked the quick pace of the match, as well as seeing the 450 Splash.

What I Disliked

Gabriel apparently needed Hornswoggle to win, which I just find repetitive and ridiculous. Gabriel and Slater should just fight themselves, create an angle within their means, and not have to be subjected to Hornswoggle's comedic relief. Also, where do these guys go from here? Where is the bigger picture? Oh wait, there most likely is not one.

Grade: C