Stars in Progress: Who Went Up & Down This Week

By: Chris Cash @RealityofChris 

WWE Hell in a Cell 2011

One Crowded Step Down

I'm not a huge fan of this pay per view and its gimmick.  I think that the HIAC match should be saved for special moments and used only when you have those opportunities come up.  Timing makes it worse.  Two weeks ago was NoC and three weeks after, it's Vengeance.  It's hard to care about these next two pay per views when WWE has so little time to make us. 

In my latest "Cashbox" feature, I gave my thoughts for this Sunday's event and suggested you hold off on buying the pay per view, especially if you're trying to decide between this one and Vengeance.  Save your money, catch up with the results on WZ, and simply watch Raw the next night. 

I don't see this PPV being that newsworthy or groundbreaking and the matches are a lot of the same ol', same ol'.  No major title changes and no major storyline surprises. 

WWE is already planning toward Survivor Series and while I absolutely agree with using pay per views to do that, when you have three of them in a five week span, it's simply too much (for a lot of people).