Squared Circle Reviews: Summerslam 2005

Summerslam was definitely a night that won’t escape my memories any time soon. From blood baths to family battles, it literally had everything you could want (unless you’re a fan of tag team wrestling). Well, why waste time? Let’s get right into it.

Summerslam opens up with a beautiful rendition of the USA national anthem as sung by Lillian Garcia, of course. Absolutely wonderful way to celebrate Summerslam from our nation’s capital. From there, a nice video package comes on highlighting all the matches tonight, and ending on the high note of Hogan-Michaels. Good video package as compared to the generic ones that highlight one or two matches. From there, we go straight into our first match.

WWE United States Championship

Orlando Jordan (c) Vs. Chris Benoit

As Jordan comes out, the commentating team tells us that Jordan has been champion for five months and eighteen days. Jesus Christ. The sad thing is that besides this match and the one at Great American Bash, no one can remember one other title match he was in. That’s sad. Jordan practices his boxing before the match starts. I wish we would see more of his boxing background instead of him just doing the shuffle. As the bell rings, Jordan cheap shots Benoit, but Benoit then hits the German Suplex and then locks in the Crippler Crossface! Holy hell, Jordan taps out in less than 25 seconds! Now, that is the perfect way to open the night!

Winner & New WWE United States Champion: Chris Benoit

Star Wrestler: Chris Benoit

Of course I’m going to give it to the Rabid Wolverine. The crowd went nuts. Sure, bitch and moan about how short it was and how weak it made Jordan look, but this was probably the best opening to a WWE PPV I have ever seen. Whoever booked that match deserves a medal that says, “I know how to warm up a crowd.”

We then cut backstage and see Vicki Guerrero with Eddie, and she says they “need to talk.” That’s never good. Vicki says it’s not about Dominick, but Rey. Eddie says she is wrong and it’s mostly about Dominick. It’s about continuing the Guerrero legacy and if she can’t understand that, she’s crazier than he is. Vicki then strokes his ego a bit talking about the man she loves, and Eddie does some nice comedic agreeing with her. She then says that the man she loves wouldn’t do this, and Eddie explodes and says that even she doesn’t think he can beat Rey; no one does. She runs off, and Eddie sits there alone ending this masterful segment by questioning if he can beat Rey.

A video package for Hardy-Edge rolls. During it, I realize Edge has really good mike skills. I mean really good. Like him or hate him in the ring, but the guy can talk better than most in WWE. Anyway, we are ready to go right into an all-out war!

Matt Hardy Vs. Edge

After both come out, Hardy jumps onto Edge on the outside and he starts to throw Mr. Money in the Bank everywhere on the outside. Edge ducks into the ring, but Hardy jumps right back on him continiung the assault. Hardy grabs a choke onto Edge, but Edge gets to the rope so Hardy has to break. Hardy keeps the control as Edge cowers until Edge nails a cheap shot to Hardy and the tide shifts. The crowd is digging this match as much as I am. You can feel the hatred. The ref starts to pull Edge away from Hardy, but it’s not really successful. Hardy gets onto the apron somehow and Edge bounces off the opposite side and spears Hardy straight through the ropes. Man, what a great spot, and the stiffness in this match adds to it immensely. The two bitter rivals get back in and Hardy starts to go to town on Edge some more and they get into the corner. Hardy mounts Edge and one of the best spots in WWE this year occurs. Edge pushes Hardy up as Hardy is giving him some mounted spots, and Hardy falls straight down, head first, to the steel post and bounces off. There was no arm to block it, no cushion, nothing. Hardy literally fell and bounced off it. The crowd even gasped for it. That goes to show you how intense of a spot it was. Edge brings him back into the ring and Hardy is busted open and wearing a huge crimson mask. Edge goes on the offense with some stiff knees to the face, but the ref keeps pulling him back and asking if Hardy is ok. Eventually, Hardy collapses on his own weight and the ref calls for the bell. Hardy is out of it.

Winner: Edge

Star Wrestler: Matt Hardy

A lot of people were pissed with the finish to this match, and I was at first. WWE didn’t do a good job showing the selling Hardy was doing, so Hardy didn’t look too out of it until after the match. Had the cameras been on Hardy more, it would come off a lot better. A lot of people were also pissed that Hogan bled more than Hardy, yet this match was called off. There was a big difference: Hogan wasn’t passing out, Hardy was! All in all, this was an excellent match and Hardy came off as the star in it with his opening assault and his selling in it. Welcome back, Hardy.

A video package highlighting my favorite feud airs and we go right into the Ladder Match. WWE is wasting no time tonight!

To read the rest of this review, click here.

To listen to Doug Nunnally’s review of WWE Summerslam in audio format, click here.