The Wrestling Authority (Can Y2J Save the WWE?)

Can Y2J Save the WWE?

By: Chris âThe Authority❠Schultz

I suppose the first question should be, does the WWE need to be saved? To be completely honest, I think it does. However, it will take more than just Chris Jericho to accomplish such a feat. Let’s just say the return of âThe Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla❠is a good start. The phrase you don’t know what you got till it’s gone has never rang more true than now. Chris Jericho equals pure entertainment. Whether he’s hosting his talk show, The Highlight Reel, cutting a promo, or wrestling an opponent, Jericho has the audience’s attention. Y2J has more charisma in his left foot than some professional wrestlers will have in their entire career. Since his departure long ago, you get the feeling that something is missing during any WWE show.

No matter how sad it is to see someone leave the wrestling scene for an extended period of time, it’s that much better when they make their return. Jericho had his share of injuries, but that’s not what made him decide to take time away from the ring. Like the Rock, Jericho is multi-talented. Not only is he a darn good wrestler, but he can act and sing. I don’t blame him for using his time to tour with his band Fozzy and make a couple of VH1 appearances. Hey, at least Chris is coming back, unlike the People’s Champ. The WWE does a great job of building up the return of one of their superstars. Just seeing those segments between commercial breaks about breaking the code and save us give me goosebumps.

As I mentioned earlier in this article, Jericho will need help if he is to save the WWE. Many of you out there will probably assume that I am bias towards TNA, but I am here to tell you that they are putting together some great Impact shows and pay per views. Not only that, they have the attention of a lot of the WWE roster. TNA seems to be the place to be. Just ask Christian Cage, Rhino, Kurt Angle, and just recently, Booker T. Let’s face it. After McMahon bought out WCW and ECW, the WWE became complacent and lazy. They were not even concerned about upping the ante so to speak to entertain the masses. We all know that competition breeds success. There wouldn’t be a Stone Cold Era, Degeneration X, or The Rock if at first there wasn’t the New World Order and other big established name in the WCW.

Now is the time to bring wrestling out of the gutter. I will give Chris Jericho all the credit in the world if he can help bring this business back to where it was in the early part of this decade. Other things must happen as well. Triple H has to go back to being a heel. Trust me, I love the guy, but he was made to be the Cerebral Assassin, not some clown with green glow sticks. I was happy to see HBK back with his old look. Keep it going. You had something going with Carlito and then you throw him back to curtain jerking. Why? Braid his hair, drop the whole âCool❠bit and make him a bad ass. Do I have to come out there and write this stuff myself? Tell me people don’t get paid to write about a 4 foot Leprechaun who is the bosses illegitimate son. Get rid of ECW. It’s dead and you killed it. How could you survive when RVD, Sandman, Sabu, and the heart of that company are gone?

I hope that Monday Night, November 19th will be a new dawning. I am always the optimist and I am sure most fans agree with me when I say that we will be watching. Please Jericho, save the company that I know and loved all these years. Vince, please turn your son-in-law back to a heel and for heaven’s sake, give Mr. Kennedy the big push he deserves. The talent is there, use it or lose it!

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