Jay Lethal is one of the top independent wrestling names in the world. There’s really only one thing left for him to do, and that is to go to WWE.
The WWE roster has never been more stacked than it is currently. To celebrate this, let’s take a look at five Superstars that would be amazing to watch clash with Jay Lethal and the WWE.
To keep this list interesting, I have tried to keep away from names that Jay has had major matches with at any point in the past.
Next Page: Jay Lethal Dream Opponent #5

5. Velveteen Dream
I would love to see the charisma that would ooze all over the squared circle should these two ever clash.
The Velveteen Dream is one of the brightest Superstars of the NXT brand today, and the match with an in-ring veteran like Jay Lethal could really help him cement his work and go a long way in teaching him a few things.
If you like Jay Lethal would have a lot of pride in helping Dream along and I’m sure we would get some interesting Hulk Hogan meets Randy Savage type of showdown between the two, given their history for imitating these two legends.
Next Page: Jay Lethal Dream Opponent #4