lisa marie varon victoria
Photo Credit: Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images

Kelsey Raegan Recalls Valuable Advice She Got From Lisa Marie Varon

Kelsey Raegan recalls the recent learning opportunity she had with former WWE Women’s Champion Lisa Marie Varon.

Last month, Kesley Raegan completed an appearance alongside wrestling legend Lisa Marie Varon, known to WWE fans as Victoria. While the appearance, which was hosted at The Wrestling Universe Store in Queens, was primarily advertised as an autograph signing, it also provided Raegan with a valuable learning opportunity.

Speaking with WrestleZone’s Ella Jay, Raegan recounted her positive experience working alongside Varon. Raegan also shared some of the things she learned from Varon that day.

“First of all, I was worried because these people that you look up to, you’re always worried that they’re going to be a dick. [Lisa] is so nice and sweet, and she made me feel welcome,” Raegan said. “Most of the fans came to see her. She’s way bigger deal than I am, it’s understood, but every time she would be like, ‘Do you guys want to meet Kelsey Reagan? Come over here, meet Kelsey Reagan.’ She wanted me to feel like I was at home, and I was okay. And I loved that. Every time someone wanted to take a picture, she’d be like, ‘Kelsey, come over here, get in the picture.’ She’s just sweet.”

Learning Opportunity

When reflecting on the new information she absorbed that day, Raegan explained how Lisa Marie Varon shifted her perspective as it pertains to the attire worn at appearances like those.

“[She taught me] to be in gear, because all the signings that I’ve been to with the other girls, we dress nice, but just in regular attire. [Lisa] was full gear,” Raegan said. According to Varon, wrestling fans are more eager to meet the wrestlers as their in-ring characters. With this in mind, Varon is more inclined to present herself in her full set of ring gear.

“She’s so right, so I was like, ‘You know what? I’m going to go to the bathroom. I’m going to change into my gear because now you’ve inspired me.’ Gear is very uncomfortable to be in, I don’t want to be in it, but she’s right. Because if I think about it, let’s just say that I’m going to meet David Howard Thornton, who is the guy who plays Art the Clown in Terrifier. I don’t want to meet the actor. I want to meet Art the Clown. They’re coming to meet the character. They don’t want to meet you. They want to meet the character,” Raegan said.

“She taught me a lot about the signings [themselves, too] because I don’t do a whole lot of signings,” Raegan continued. “I do them a little bit, but she’s the queen of signings. That’s what she does. One of the things I learned is that blue sharpie doesn’t fade. So if you sign in blue Sharpie, it doesn’t turn into an ugly color. Apparently black will turn like purple or something. I can’t remember the specifics, but that’s why a lot of people want blue Sharpie. Then for the cards that have like the laminate, you have to pick the baby powder and [rub it in on top]. This is all like brand new information for me, so it was great.”

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