Instead of trying to pull one over on people today, we’ve gone and found the biggest headlines that probably won’t come to fruition anytime soon, but they’re still good for a laugh:
Funny Wrestling Headlines
John Cena
You've heard all of the “U Can't See Me” jokes. You've seen all of the memes. John Cena himself has been in on the fun... but it turns out that it's all been a gag, and we really CAN see him.
Drake Maverick
Terry Funk
Terry Funk has retired more times than we can count. He's called it quits more times than Big Show has turned heel, then face, then heel, th—you get the point. But Terry means it this time!
Hulk Hogan
Hulk finally found his “brother” in the strangest of ways. The Immortal one wants to catch up on lost time and asked his long-lost sibling to “let me tell you something, brother!”
Mojo Rawley
We don't get hyped anymore.
Parts Unknown
After years of trying to track it down, professional wrestling's most famous hometown has been located!
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson's historic title win took place on September 1, 1979. The first-ever Intercontinental Champion was crowned in a prolific tournament but no one has ever seen footage of the event — until now.
Shane McMahon
We want a second opinion...