Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Lethal Lockdown Delivers”

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match

impact wrestlingThe Hardy’s kick things off with some great tag team wrestling. Jeff and Matt work on the other members of The Revolution. Manik is handcuffed and he will be trapped. (smart) They begin to attack Abyss and then James Storm hits a low blow onto Jeff. Storm and Abyss split legs Matt and begins to slug away.

As we come back from break, Jeff and Matt are able to fight out. Jeff hits Whisper in the Wind and then both men hit Twist of Fate. Jeff hits a splash from the top rope and they only get a two count. Matt hits a Twist of Fate from the top rope. Matt gets dragged out by James’ big samoan and by The Great Sanada. Jeff hits another Twist of Fate and then heads to the top. Sanada sprays him in the face and storm hits a Last Call to retain.

Jeff is hit off the cage and slams his back onto the steel steps for a wicked looking spot.

The Revolution did whatever it took to win tonight. The match was pretty good, even though some points seemed a little sloppy with their transitional moves. I felt like you needed to simplify and have less men involved. I wanted to see more smooth and fluent offense, not as choppy. Matt and Jeff were spot on tonight in their offensive execution, although Abyss slowed down the pace based primarily on his size. This feud can easily continue and I am in favor of it. The spot was a nice way to write Jeff off of television for a few weeks, but I do think that they should have left it at that and really sell the injury as being legit. Storm kicking him made me realize that he was okay. (Thankfully)

WZZ 6.5

Awesome Kong vs. Havok

Havok slams Kong’s face into the steel steps and both women begin to slug it out. Havok his some forearm shots and is able to take control. Kong is able to break away from a submission hold and toss her into the cage door and into the steps. The women get back into the ring and face off. They trade chops and Havok hits a big boot. Kong ducks a move and throws her into the cage. Havok hits a chokeslam and Kong gets right back up and hits her own chokeslam. Kong heads to the top and Havok meets her.

Both women are climbing the cage and Havok kicks her in the face. Kong powerbombs her off the top rope and then hits a splash for the win.

two of the biggest women do all they can in this match. The sight to see these women was just incredible. The match was slower, but it was effective. You are going to be hard hitting and a nostalgia type match. This is not about moves, chemistry and speed. It is about execution and talent. It was about seeing something that we have not seen before. For that, I really enjoyed it.

WZZ 6.5


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