Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Lethal Lockdown Delivers”

Beat Down Clan vs. Team Angle

impact wrestlingGunner and Kenny King start things off. Gunner takes King out and Low Ki is the next man in. Gunner is hit over and over with a trash can lid and then they choke him out. Austin Aries comes in and hits a discus elbow and a dropkick into the corner. Gunner is able to get up and focus his attention on Kenny King. Aries hits King with a lid while on the shoulders of Gunner. Samoa Joe is next up, who uses a hockey stick to beat down Aries. The BDC is in full control until Kurt Angle gets involved. Joe hits Angle with a stick and then Angle hits a German Suplex. Angle takes down King and punches him in the head.

MVP is the last man in. Low Ki hits a stomp on the trash can and into the head of Gunner. Gunner is really taking a beating tonight. Angle fires back and takes out the entire BDC. As the BDC continues the assault, Lashley comes out to the ring. He offers his hand to MVP. He grabs it and takes out the entire BDC. King takes his knee out and MVP is in hot pursuit of the champion. Gunner gives him in a torture rack, while all of the other guys either have them in submission holds while Lashley hits a Spear for the win.

Cluttered at times, but the good guys pick up the win. The BDC retreats from more harm and Lashley steps up in a big way. The guy is just a stud in so many ways. His athleticism and his quiet persona make him a ticking time bomb. I would have booked the match a little differently, but that is just because there were some inconsistencies in the match. There was too many predictable outcomes. I wanted to see more “wrestling” instead of continuous beatings. Either way, this should continue to push what they need: Lashley vs. Angle.

WZZ 6.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Reaction Rating:

WZ 7


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