Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Lethal Lockdown Delivers”

Roode vs. Young

impact wrestlingYoung and Roode start off their physical confrontation with some technical wrestling. This goes on for a few minutes until Young hits Roode into the cage and then tosses himself into Roode. He hits a belly to belly and then tries to use a chair. He misses and Roode tries a Roode Bomb, Young tries a DDT and Roode reverses it to launch Young into the cage. Eric Young begins to bleed and both men are up top.

Roode and Young are battling on the top rope, which ends up giving Young an advantage. He hits a big elbow drop for a two count. Roode gets up and begins to unload on Eric Young with a chair. Bobby Roode screams in his face and hits a Roode Bomb on a chair for the win.

Bobby Roode is and will always be one of my favorite performers in TNA. His intensity and his ability to switch personalities at the drop of a hat is so natural and smooth. This match seemed fueled by hatred and fueled by intensity. I really enjoyed seeing this level of physicality and the blood was just the right amount for a new level of hardcore to be reached. Well done tonight.

WZ 7.5

Tyrus vs. Rockstar Spud and Mandrews

The big man begins to beat down Spud and Mandrews. The small guys begin to slowly work away at Tyrus, after he connects with a T-Bone Suplex. Spud kicks him over and over again. He heads to the top and rips his bow tie off. He sunset flips and knocks down Tyrus from the top of the cage. EC3 gets involved and hits Mandrews in the face. Mandrews gets tripped up and takes a nasty spill onto the steel steps. Spud crawls to EC3 and gets the door slammed in his face. Tyrus hits his Thumb/Chokeslam combination for the win.

As much as I have been critical of this, the crowd loves Spud. His spot off the top of the cage was executed to perfection. I can’t wait for the finale of Spud vs. Carter. Time has come where there is not much else they can do. Good story development and drama. Let’s get to the conclusion.

WZ 5.5