Ricochet tries another dive but Dunne elbows Ricochet in the face. X-Plex by Dunne. Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet kick Dunne in the back of the head. Dunne falls out of the ring. Ricochet tries a moonsault off the apron but Dunne moves out of the way. Apron X-Plex by Dunne. Dunne tries the Bitter End but Ricochet escapes and hits a reverse ranna for a near fall. Tornado DDT by Ricochet. Dunne kicks out. Ricochet goe sup top. Dunne follows him. Dunne bends Ricochet’s fingers as they are on the top rope. Avalanche Frankensteiner by Ricochet. Axkick by Ricochet. Leaping flatliner by Ricochet. Dunne kicks out again! Ricochet tries a springboard 450. Dunne catches Ricochet in a triangle choke. Ricochet powerbombs his way out of it. Dunne grabs Ricochet’s hands and snaps his fingers. Dunne puts Ricochet in a double wrist lock with his fingers bent. Ricochet deadlifts Dunne into a brainbuster. The Undisputed Era runs to the ring and attacks both Dunne and Ricochet to cause a disqualification.
Winner- No contest
After the match, the War Raiders chase off the Undisputed Era.
NOOOO! #UndisputedERA emerges and targets @KingRicochet & @PeteDunneYxB…
…but #WarRaiders @WarBeardHanson & @RAYMONDxROWE are having NONE of it! #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/FXJiLzOpWe
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) September 20, 2018
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