WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (9/12): Tommaso Ciampa Returns, Bianca Belair Battles Nikki Cross, More

Backstage, Pete Dunne says Ricochet has a piece of gold he wants.

Backstage, Ricochet says he has what it take to handle these high-pressure situations.

Backstage, Kassius Ohno gets upset because Regal says he doesn’t have to talk to him about the Black being attacked. Regal explains that Kairi Sane said Ohno did nothing wrong. Ohno tells Regal he will be waiting for Regal’s new toy… bro.

Bianca Belair vs Nikki Cross

Belair yells for Cross to come fight her. Cross is in the corner hopping up and down. Cross charges in and Belair pushes her to the floor. Belair does a front flips over Cross. Cross takes Belair over with a head scissors. Cross puts Belair in a sleeper. Belair reverses it into a back breaker for a near fall. Belair spears Cross in the corner. Belair puts Cross in a bearhug. Cross tries a cross body. Belair catches Cross in midair. Belair gorilla press slams Cross. Belair misses a running splash. Cross unloads on Belair. Thez press by Cross. Cross stomps Belair in the corner. Running corner splash by Belair. Cross goes up top. Belair rolls out to the apron. Cross chop blocks Belair. Cross traps Belair in the ring skirt. Belair pushes Cross into the ring steps. Cross gets to her feet. Belair hair whips Cross. Cross jumps on Belair’s back. Belair takes a back bump while in the sleeper. Cross is sandwiched between Belair and the ramp. Belair and Cross are both counted out.

Winner- No contest

Belair and Cross continue to fight into the crowd. Belair tosses Cross over the announce table. Cross dives off the table onto Belair and a few referees.

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