Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (9/10): Foley Returns, Triple H Responds To The Undertaker, Reigns Assaults Strowman, Final Hype For Hell In A Cell

Nikki Bella w/Brie Bella vs Ruby Riott w/The Riot Squad

Riott takes Nikki down with a headlock. Nikki escapes. Nikki lands a dropkick for a near fall. Nikki drives her shoulder into Riott’s gut. Riott lands an STO for a near fall. Thez press by Nikki. Nikki gets tied up in the ropes. Riott kicks the top rope into Nikki’s throat. Riott gets distracted by Brie and walks right into a spine buster by Nikki. Nikki fires up by Riott kicks her in the knee. Riott tries deadly nightshade but Nikki counters it into a facebuster. Disaster kick by Nikki. Riott kicks out. Logan gets on the apron. Nikki elbows Logan in the face. Riott hits a complete shot. Nikki kicks out. Riott sets up the Riott Kick. Nikki reverses it into the Rack Attack 2.0. Morgan tries to get in the ring but Brie drags Morgan back to the outside. Nikke drops Riott for the win.

Winner- Nikki Bella

Backstage, Drake Maverick gives the AoP a pep talk.

The Authors of Pain w/Drake Maverick vs Roddy Ace and Nathan Brandley

The AoP toss the kids around the ring. They mercifully end this with the SuperCollider.

Winners- The Authors of Pain