THIRD MATCH: Togi Makabe, David Finlay, Toa Henare & Michael Elgin vs. Bullet Club OGs (Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Bad Luck Fale & Taiji Ishimori)
Elgin and Tanga start the match. They lock up. Tanga gets Elgin on the ropes. Elgin ducks a lariat and chops Tanga Loa’s chest. Elgin continues to tenderize Loa’s chest. Loa fights out of a waistlock. Elgin shrugs off a shoulder tackle. Ishimori tags in.
Elgin ducks a springboard senton and Ishimori accidentally takes out Tanga Loa. Elgin suplexes Ishimori and Loa. Finlay tags in.
Finlay hits a series of back elbows. Ishimori hits a springboard senton. Tama Tonga tags in.
Tama hits a headbutt. Tama covers for two. Fale tags in.
Fale slams Finlay. Fale stands on Finlay. Tanga Loa tags in.
Loa slams Finlay into the corner. Ishimori tags in. Ishimori hits a face stomp. Ishimori gets a nearfall. Fale tags in.
Finlay dodges a corner splash. Makabe tags in. Makabe clears the apron. Makabe powerslams Ishimori. Makabe hits Fale with a corner lariat. Makabe mounts Fale and rains punches down on him. Makabe hits a lariat. Makabe hits a lariat. Makabe floors Fale with a lariat. Makabe covers for two.
Fale hits a shoulder tackle. Tama tags in. Henare tags in.
Tama hits a dropkick. Corner knee from Ishimori. Corner lariat from Tanga Loa. Stinger Splash from Tama Tonga. Tama covers Henare for two.
Elgin breaks up a Tongan Twist. Brawl breaks out. Makabe hits Ishimori and Tanga Loa with a double lariat. Henare counters Gun Stun with a rollup for two. Henare hits a Samoan Drop for two. Tama hits a Gun Stun for the pinfall.
WINNERS: Bullet Club OGs