impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Redefined Results (8/30): Cage Defends Against Fenix, Huge Tag Team Main Event, More

Backstage, Ortiz tells Santana and Konnan it wasn’t right what happened to Ritchie last week. Konnan says King doesn’t care about the G-code: no kids, no family. Konnan tells Santana and Ortiz to take care of the medical bills. Konnan gets a call and tells LAX the need to sit tight. Konnan gets up and leaves.

The Smoke Show:

Grado brings Katarina and Joe Hendry to Scarlett’s show. Hendry tells Grado that he has a special song that will explain everything next week. Scarlett says something to Grado and he pitches a tent. Grado runs away. Katrin tells Scarlett not to try to come between her and her boys. Scarlett says she already has.

Rich Swann vs Petey Williams

Swann dances around the ring. At one point Swann does a split and dances. Williams almost hits the Canadian Destroyer. Swann avoids it. Williams lands a slingshot code breaker for a near fall. Swann front flips over and hits a dropkick. Williams rolls out of the ring. Swann misses a senton off the apron. After the break, Swann takes Williams over with a ranna. Step up head kick by Swann. Williams kicks out. Swann and Williams trade roll ups. Williams puts Swann in the Sharpshooter. Swann gets to the ropes. Swann misses the Phoenix Splash. Williams and Swann trade pins again. Swann lands a standing shooting star for the win.

Winner- Rich Swann