When Impact began airing creepy vignettes promoting a new competitor — and those became tied to backstage attacks on talent — audiences were intrigued…yet skeptical. Too often dramatic, extended builds for a grappler’s debut prove disappointing, especially when hinging on a reveal. Fortunately, Impact’s introduction of Killer Kross was the exception, not the rule.
Though still in the early stages of his development, Kross has already made his presence known by a resounding victory over Petey Williams and by inserting himself into the main event by helping Austin Aries retain the Impact World title against Eddie Edwards.
Kross is built, carries himself and wrestles like a future superstar. And rather than being shoved down viewers’s throats, he is being methodically worked into the company’s jam-packed roster in a way which supplies fans ample desire to unravel the mystery of his character and motivation.
Pollo Del Mar is an award-winning journalist, Northern California indie wrestling personality and produces and hosts pro wrestling podcast “Arm Drag Takedown with Pollo Del Mar.” (Twitter.com/ADTwithPDM)
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Eddie Edwards
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling
Eddie Edwards
Credit: Impact Wrestling