Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax Night 11 Results (7/30) Okada In Action In Main Event

SEVENTH MATCH: A Block Match: Jay White (6 pts) vs. Hangman Page (2 pts)

White gets Page on the ropes and breaks. Page ducks a lariat and White hides between the ropes. Jay gets to the apron. They break.

They lock up. White chops Page’s chest. Page hits a big boot. White escapes to the outside. Page chases. White uses a Young Lion as a human shield and proceeds to beat the crap out of Page. Page hits a huge dive. Page fights back. Page chops Jay’s chest. White gets back in the ring but then rolls out. White dodges the Apron Run Shooting Star Press. White hits a Saito Suplex on the floor. The referee checks on Page’s back. White gets back in the ring. Jay stops the count and backdrops Page onto the apron. Jay gets back in the ring. Page breaks the count.

White stomps away on Page’s back. White hits a Pumphandle Backbreaker for two. White drags Page out of the ring. Jay drives Page’s back into the barricade repeatedly. White rolls Page back into the ring.

Page starts to fight back. White chops Page’s chest. White hammerthrows Page into the corner. White hammerthrows Page again. Page hits a lariat. Page chops Jay’s chest. Page unloads with chops and elbows. Page sweeps White’s leg and hits a Standing Shooting Star Press for two.

Page hits a Pumphandle Fallaway Suplex for two. Page chops White’s chest. White chops Page’s chest. White sends Page to the apron. White counters Buckshot Lariat with a Complete Shot/Deadlift German Suplex combo. White hits Rolling Head & Arm Suplexes. Page corners White. White pummels Page’s back. White sends Page to the apron. Page is too hurt to do Buckshot Lariat. White ties Page in the ropes. White chops Page’s chest. White hits a running European Uppercut. Page hits Buckshot Lariat.

Page goes for Rite of Passage but White counters. Page knocks White to the arena floor. Page goes for a Moonsault but White blocks the move and hits a Complete Shot on the apron. White goes for a German Suplex on the apron, but Page fights out. White goes for an Apron Saito Suplex, but Page fights out. White puts Page on the top rope and attempts a Super Saito Suplex to the floor, but Page fights out. Page hits a Moonsault to the floor on White. Page rolls White back in the ring.

Page hits a corner dropkick. Page climbs to the top rope. White knocks Page from the top rope to the apron. White gets two chairs.White puts Page on the apron. White tosses a chair to distract the referee. White hits Page in the back with a chair. White covers for two.

White hits a Twisting Brainbuster for two. White grabs a chair. White shoves the referee. The referee fights Jay for the chair. Jay pulls off Page’s boot. Page rolls up White for two.

Page counters Blade Runner. Page hits a Superkick. Page goes for Rite of Passage but his back is too hurt. Jay goes for Blade Runner but Page spits at him. White grabs the chair but Page superkicks the chair into Jay. Page grabs the chair but the referee takes it. Jay low blows Page. White hits Blade Runner for the pinfall in 17:09.

WINNER: Jay White (8 pts)


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