SEVENTH MATCH: B Block Match: Tetsuya Naito (4 pts) vs. Tama Tonga (2 pts)
Tama Tonga attacks Naito to start. Tanga Loa comes to ringside, after feigning heading to the back. Naito hits a series of armdrags and throws Tama to the floor. Tanga Loa pulls Naito out of the ring but Naito fights off both brothers. Naito teases a dive but does his Tranquilo pose.
Back in the ring, both men trade a flurry of strikes. Tama gets legswept in the corner but fights off the slingshot dropkick. Tama Tonga takes Naito to ringside and hits a suplex on the floor. Tama distracts the referee and Tanga Loa beats up Naito. Naito breaks the count at 16.
Tama rains punches down on Naito. Tama hits a dropkick. Tama covers for two.
Tama hits a Stinger Splash. Naito ducks a second splash. Naito hits a neckbreaker. Naito hits a hiptoss and a sliding dropkick. Naito hits a legsweep and slingshot dropkick. Naito spits at Tanga Loa. Naito hits a Tornado DDT for two.
Tama gets Naito on the apron and hits a Gun Stun on the apron. The ref is distracted by Tama. Tanga Loa powerbombs Naito on the ramp. Tanga rolls Naito back in the ring. Tama covers for two.
Tama hits the Tongan Twist for two. Naito counters a Gun Stun with a German Suplex. Naito hits a flying forearm. Naito goes for Destino but Tama throws Naito into the referee. Tanga Loa hits a huge lariat on Naito. EVIL runs in and clears Tanaga Loa out of the ring. Bad Luck Fale runs in and clears out EVIL. BUSHI runs out and counters Grenade with Asian Mist. BUSHI hits Tanga Loa with a suicide tope. Naito hits Tama with an Enziguri. Naito goes for Destino but Tama counters. Tama low blows Naito. Naito counters Gun Stun. Double low blow. Naito hits Destino for the pinfall at 10:07.
WINNER: Tetsuya Naito (6 pts)